Sunday 22 June 2008

2004 a car Odyssey

Not really something one aspires to.... minivan (people carrier) ownership, but thinking of getting one once we get to Canada - practical for buying the inevitable items that we'll need for a new home and handy for visitors....

My favourite option so far is a 2004 Honda Odyssey - Japanese reliability (hopefully), built in Canada - so not to upset the locals.... Only worry is the 3.5L V6 is likely to have a bit of a drink problem!


Had a rash of viewings on the house yesterday - a woman came initially with her mum, then came back later with her husband, in between had another viewing!

Fingers crossed things are picking up....

Meanwhile, still waiting for the visa, will be four weeks on Tuesday since it was sent off..... Difficult to plan things without knowing 100% that it is going to come through in time for September when we plan to head over.

Saturday 14 June 2008

Time for an update...

Well, it's been just over a month since the last update.... truth is, there's not much to say. House is still for sale, we've had one viewing, which didn't turn into an offer. We're now thinking that we'll rent it out until the market picks up.

Application for the work permit went off three weeks ago, so fingers crossed that will come through okay soon and we can start to book flights etc. Watch this space!