Friday 25 April 2008


Had word today that we'll be expected to be in Canada by Sept 30th....

Best start thinking about plan B!

Wednesday 23 April 2008

One week later and not a sausage!!!

House has been on the market for a week now and not a single viewing. It appears not many people are buying, what with the recent price crashes.

May have to move onto Plan B if we don't get any interest soon. Only one problem though, we don't really have a Plan B yet. lol

But on the plus side at least someone likes our house, we have a Great tit, that has decided to take up recidency in our bird box in the garden. I haven't been looking out for her today (I am assuming it is a her) but she was in and out of the box continously the other day, building her nest I presume. Will try and get a picture if I can snap her with my camera.

We also had a few bats flying around in the garden tonight, they came quite close to the window. Not sure what type they are. But the bengals like watching them from the window.

Saturday 19 April 2008


This is video made by the police of one of the areas we're looking at....


Got the details through from the estate agent today that they are handing out - they're wrong of course, says the lounge is at the front when it's at the rear, amongst other things. Likewise on their website and rightmove it's also wrong! On rightmove they have a picture of the downstairs toilet and not even the kitchen or main bedroom :-S

Saw the advert in the local paper today too, that looks good at least.....

Friday 18 April 2008

Mmmmm Denny's

P7220042, originally uploaded by Meli+Rafi&Co.

Now I know it's not really Canadian, but I have regular fantasies about Denny's breakfasts since we went on honeymoon to the US a couple of years ago....

Probably fortunate that there is no Denny's near Windsor and we'll have to head across the border to visit - it's fortunate because otherwise we'd end up as fat as fools!


I know we're not heading for Toronto, but I found this video and quite liked it.....

canada: toronto - impressions from roop77 on Vimeo.

Here we go....

Here's the start of our blog documenting our adventure in moving to Canada from the UK. We're a family of three..... So why Red Five? Well, I was thinking about red being associated with Canada and "Red five standing by" popped into my head - for those that have been under a rock for the past 30 years, that's a quote from Star Wars.... one of my favourite films.

How far we've got so far :-

  • House is on the market
  • Waiting for job offer to be approved
We're heading for the Windsor, Ontario area - hopefully as soon as we can sell our house, which is going to be a challenge considering the housing market in the UK at the moment....