Isaac was eager to get into his costume once the afternoon had arrived, so we gave in and put it on him. He loved it, although refused to wear the hood of his little devil costume - until of course later on when he went outside.
Come evening once the kids started knocking he was getting very excited. So off he went with daddy and his pumpkin bucket - trick or treating. To say he became a pro in seconds is an understatement. He loved it and couldn't get up to the doors quick enough to press their door bell. He loved joining in with all the other kids on the street.
I found it amazing how much more polite the children were, the kids knocking were more than happy to just receive one little packet of sweets. Back home, they would of been disgusted and would not of been happy with anything other than money and would of quite happily of covered the outside of your house with flour and eggs if they didn't get it.
Our neighbour's were really pleasant too, they were all adoring over Isaac, saying how cute he was and introducing themselves. I was really taken back by their friendliness. It definitely makes a lovely change. One neighbour across the road even handed me a piece of paper with her number on and said to pop over or call her anytime.
I was shocked by the amount of stuff Isaac had when we eventually persuaded him to come indoors, his bucket was full to the brim, as were mine and daddy's pockets. He has so much stuff, he could probably open a sweet shop tomorrow lol. Needless to say it is all hidden in the cupboard and he can work his way through them very slowly and not all in one day (obviously).
We are off to Point Pelee tomorrow - weather permitting of course. Although it is forecasted as 18 degrees, which is not bad for November. Most other parts of Canada have had snow by now, but we havent seen any yet. Hopefully by christmas.
Anyway I will finish with a few pics from today.