Monday 20 October 2008

Bump in the night!!

We keep hearing a bump and scratching coming from the loft/attic - I am glad I am not here on my own otherwise I would be freaking out by now.

However I think we now know what the culprit might be, a tail less black squirrel. I think he or she has taken up residency in our roof. Will have to mention it to the landlord when he pops round.

My dad is coming to visit on Thursday for 10 days. Will be his first time in Canada. I wonder what he will make of it? He loves fishing and birdwatching, so there will be plenty of that for him to do round here. Hopefully it won't be too cold when he gets here and we can take him to the Ojibway Nature Reserve Park and Point Pelee near Leamington.

Is a tv fest night tonight, Heroes, CSI Miami, Prison Break and The Hills, so you can all guess what I will be doing. Alot of people complain about the tv when they move here, but I love it. It beats Eastenders and all that rubbish any day. Definately not missing UK television that's for sure. Infact all I probably miss at the moment is family and friends, but it is made a lot easier by regular contact with phonecalls and webchats and hopefully some will visit. ;)

It is our wedding anniversary on the 21st, 3 years we will be married. As they say the time definately fly's when you are having fun. Think we are going to go out for a meal, if the little fella will behave himself and sit still for more than 2 mins.

Speaking of little fella's, time to wake him up from his nap.

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