Anyway we have been here a month and a bit now, we are slowly furnishing the house. It is only when you are buying the furniture that your realise just how much bigger the houses are here. Where we would on have one family/living type room back home. Here we have several. The house is still looking a bit bare, but we are getting there slowly. Although I did realise today that we are STILL sleeping on an inflatable bed. Luckily that will all change soon, as our KING SIZE bed is now ordered. I can't wait.
Went to a place called Holiday Beach Conservation Area near Amherstburg at the weekend. Mainly wanted to check out the Hawk Tower, as my dad is coming over soon and he likes to do a bit of bird watching (thats the feathered kind, before anyone thinks he is some kind of pervert). The tower is situated in the migratory path of many hawks, eagles and gulls etc. We didnt actually see many as I was a bit nervous with Isaac up at that height, as he could easily of fit through the gaps and fallen off. They had a great camp site there and a beach that is linked to Lake Erie. I would like to perhaps go camping there sometime in the future. Although Gav (hubby) had a look of shock on his face when I mentioned it. Anyway I have put up an album of some pics of the place for anyone who wants to have a nosy ;)
We also went to the childrens playground down at the Odette Sculpture Park (great stuff for the kiddies), but didnt stay long, as the damn wasps were bothering me, that is one good reason to look forward to the winter I suppose, as they will all be gone.
Had a nightmare today both me and hubby ended up coming home very stressed. Basically we went to get our OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) cards. But the nice woman we got (NOT) decided as it was near the end of her shift, she was going to be pedantic and picky. Despite hubby having his work permit/visa with both me and my son named on it, she argued that it wasn't good enough for me and I needed my own visitors permit. Which is bloody stupid, as if the visa we had was a problem then on our several visit in and out of the US, they would not of let me back in. We even read the legislation that she was adamant she was going by and was sticking to and going by what it said (which wasn't very clear to say to the least) she was most definitely being picky. I could even see a slight smirk on her face, I knew she was going to find some reason for one of us to not get our OHIP, I just knew it. So now we have to go to immigration to try and get my own visitors permit, which they may well say no to, as what my hubby has stamped to his passport is valid in their eyes, if they do say no, then we will have to go down the route of either appealing which could take months or paying for a working visa for me (which is pointless as I am not going to be working). All I can say is GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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